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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

UNZIP Multiple files at one in Ubuntu

Hi guys,

Just run the following set of command (each followed by enter) in a folder where you have zip files,

1. for z in *.zip
2. do
3. unzip \$z;
4. done

Here is the way I did the job,

bhavin@bhavin-Aspire-A315-51:~/Dropbox/60001/2\$ for z in *.zip
> do
> unzip $z
> done

In order to extract 7z, rar or tar.xz files, just do the following replacements,

1. *.zip

3.  unzip
     tar -xf
     unrar e
     7z e

A trip to Buzios, Arraial do Cabo and Cabo Frio - Brazil

What a wonderful trip it was I must say. Of course, there were some downs as well, as expected. We started off with Buzios.  If you ever pla...